Desert Chic

P.S. Stay tuned for an announcement at the end! 



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Top: Forever 21 (exact here) | Skirt: Forever 21 (exact here) | Purse: c/o Coach (exact here)| Shoes: Shoedazzle (similar here)

Hot. Hot. Hot. is literally all I can think of when the words Vegas and summer appear in the same sentence. For those of you who have not had the ~pleasure~ of experiencing the Las Vegas summer heat, you may think I am over-exaggerating. However, for those of you that have, know/have felt exactly what I am talking about.

For someone who loves the winter and winter fashion everything, I find the summer season to be a bit more of a challenge in terms of coming up with stylish outfits. I mean come on, when the temperature is 120 degrees on the regular, who wouldn't want to be strutting around in their bikini and calling it a day? That being said, I consider it a personal accomplishment when I can come up with an outfit that is tolerable in the Las Vegas summer heat and does not have me wanting to rip my clothes off the moment I put them on.

So what is my solution to dressing up for the Las Vegas heat? Two words. Denim skirts and off the shoulder tops. I know, I know. You must be wondering why I would even dare to wear denim in the summer. But, I swear it is so comfortable and the key is to find a denim skirt that has a not-too-thick, breathable fabric. This skirt I recently purchased from Forever 21 does the job perfectly and the minor distressed details gives it just that little bit of Vegas edginess you are looking for. I mean it's Sin City after all, right? ;)


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Okay as promised from the beginning of this post and my IG post, I have a quick announcement to make!




Okay yes, I got a little too excited with the exclamation points on that one, but how can I not be (even though I've known this news for months now)?! For anyone that knows me or has been following me on social media, you already know how much I adore that city. Everything from the busy streets, the hustle and bustle, the people, the mentality, there is just something about NYC that makes success seem mandatory and sleep useless. Though I am only moving for the summer, I still cannot believe this is real life...I knew I would eventually end up in NYC (I blame Blair Waldorf and those million and one Gossip Girl episodes I watched on repeat), I just did not think it would be this soon!

So stay tuned for an NYC filled summer with lots and lots of new content coming up. I cannot wait to trade the Vegas heat for my hustling and bustling soulmate of a city!

Til' Next Time,